Friday, September 2, 2011

Bruise Be Gone

Sometimes we can be a bit clumsy and will bump into the occasional coffee table or door knob. It's definitely not cute when you rock a cute summer dress with discolored spots as accessories. Most bruises go away on their own after a few days or weeks but if you can help speed up the process of healing and reduce swelling, why not? I have a few nifty tricks that will help heal your small bruises faster.

Tips To Heal A Bruise

  • Right after you get the bruise, apply an ice pack or ice cubes wrapped in a piece of cloth to the area for about 30 minutes to reduce the swelling and inflammation. Do not apply ice cubs directly to the affected area.
  • Use an anti-inflammatory treatment 2-3 times a day, directly on the bruise. These types of products claim to heal the bruise faster and combat soreness. There have been some studies that show that these treatments do not improve the healing time, but some people still swear by it. As long as it's not adding further injury, i thinks it's okay to try out. There's always the placebo effect!
  • Slow the blood flow to the bruised area and elevate that body part above the level of your heart. This will help the bruise from forming into a larger bump. For example, if you bumped your shin, lie down and prop your leg onto a chair.
  • After the swelling has gone down, apply a warm compress on the area to reduce the pain and swelling further.

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