Sunday, August 14, 2011


Why Wear Lipstick?

-It can help to you to look the age you want to look. I'm 25 but probably could pass for a high school student. I wanted to use lipstick to make myself look a bit more mature. Other people might use lipstick colors that make them look more fun or young. It depends on the person.

-Lipstick can boost self-esteem. A study by Ogilvie and Kristensen-Bach found that self-esteem was a bigger reason than sexual allure for why that women wore lipstick.
-As my friend pointed out when we were trying on lipstick, it makes your teeth look whiter! Having darker or more colorful lips can make the teeth look whiter in comparison, with no strange chemicals or expensive procedures required. Just make sure you keep the lipstick off your teeth, though.

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